Identifying small faults by coherent body technique: A case study for Fang 231 Area of Song fang-tun Oilfield 相干体技术识别小断层&以宋芳屯油田芳231区块为例
Effects of frequency detuning on coherent optical pulse combination and area evolution 频率失谐对相干光脉冲合并和面积演化的影响
A flume test is carried out on the threshold velocity for the coherent silt sampled in the sea area near the Cangnan power plant in Zhejiang Province. 结合浙江苍南电厂工程要求,在拟建航道处的试挖槽附近取样,对粘性淤泥的起动进行了室内水槽试验。
This reflects one of the basic difficulties of getting coherent action in this area: countries'interests simply differ. 这反映出在该领域实施连贯举措的一种最基本的阻力,即国家利益的分歧。
Coherent optical pulse combination and pulse area evolution 相干光脉冲的合并和面积演化
Then based on Kirchhoff approximation theory, the formula of the coherent and incoherent scattering intensity of plane wave from two dimensional dielectric normally distributed rough surface are derived, and the scattering intensity of a planar, rough surface of unit area. 然后从粗糙面散射Kirchhoff标量近似理论出发,得到了平面波对高斯分布的二维随机粗糙面的相干散射和非相干散射强度表达式,并给出了单位面积粗糙面非相干散射的表达式。
The working principle and interpreting method of the coherent volume are introduced for complex fault block area interpretation. 介绍了适于复杂断块地区解释的相干体技术工作原理、解释方法。
In this paper the trends in the study on the coherent structure of turbulent shear flows are discussed with a brief review of the achievements in this area during the last thirty years. 本文在简要地回顾了30多年来湍流拟序结构研究的进展之后,评述了目前拟序结构研究的动态。
Firstly we analysis the properties of mean-variance model and VaR model, secondly we introduce the coherent risk measures axiom of financial markets and analysis the latest development in this area. The dynamic risk measures are also introduced. 在分析均值-方差模型和VaR模型的特点及其适用范围的基础上,引入一致性金融风险测度公理,分析了该领域的研究状况,简要介绍了动态一致性风险测度的研究情况。
From a professional point of view, the method of how to establish a humanity based living environment that is coherent with contemporary lifestyle in downtown area in old city is discussed. 主要从城市设计专业角度,探讨如何在旧城商业街区中创建一个以人为本的、符合现代人生活的人性化外部空间环境。
The conditional average phases of the multi-scale coherent eddy structures in the logarithmic area are changed by the cylinder wakes, which means that the variety of the velocity is changed. 圆柱尾迹与边界层相互作用,改变了近壁区域多尺度相干结构的平均演化过程,也即速度的变化过程。
Application of reservoir prediction method involved coherent cube analysis and seismic attribute analysis predict the distribution of fracture development belt in the buried hill and a favorable hydrocarbon-bearing area, providing basis for further exploration and development. 应用相干数据体分析、地震属性分析、反演等储层预测方法预测潜山地层岩性和裂缝发育带的分布及含油气有利区,为下步勘探开发提供依据;
By comparing the results from coherent velocity inversion and conversion of time and depth, we found that the best method to interpret interval velocity in the area is to pick the macroscopic trend, rather than the maximum value of the energygram. 通过相干速度反演及时深转换结果的对比,认为该区最佳层速度解释方案应该是拾取层速度的宏观趋势,而不是拾取谱相干能量的最大值;
Aiming at the coherent disadvantage of transmitted reference ( TR) receiver, a new TR-UWB ( ultra-wideband) receiver design scheme for low-data-rate wireless personal area network ( WPAN) is proposed. 针对发送-参考(TR)接收机噪声影响较敏感的缺点,提出一种适用于低速率无线个域网的新型超宽带(UWB)TR接收机设计方案。
The influence of turbulence on the beam spreading of partially coherent ChG array beams is studied quantitatively by the turbulence distance which represents the distance at which the spreading due to the turbulence accounts for 10% of the cross-sectional area of the beam. 采用湍流距离(湍流距离是指大气湍流导致的光束横截面积扩展达10%时光束的传输距离)定量地研究了湍流对部分相干ChG列阵光束扩展的影响。
The nine-year coherent school is not strange to costal regional or economic developed area but it is rarely seen in inland China and especially in western region. 在沿海及经济发达地区并不陌生的九年一贯制学校,在内地,尤其是西部地区却为数很少。
The paper introduced seismic coherent analysis technology and its application in the fault interpretation of target area. 本文介绍了地震相干分析技术及其在四川龙岗油气勘探区某工区断层解释中的应用。
High-power and short-wavelength Free Electron Lasers ( FELs) is becoming more and more important as a modern scientific research tool, especially coherent x-ray source, which will lead the modern scientific research into a entirely new area. 高功率、短波长自由电子激光,已成为现代科学研究越来越重要的工具,特别是相干X光源,将使自然科学的发展进入一个全新的领域。